vastu for living room

Vastu for living room

                                                                      Photo by Jon’Nathon Stebbe on Unsplash

The drawing room, also known as the living room, is a central area of a home where family members and guests gather, making it crucial to implement Vastu principles to ensure a positive and balanced environment. By aligning the design, furniture placement, and decor of your drawing room with Vastu guidelines, you can enhance the overall well-being and positivity within your home.

1. Location and Placement:
In Vastu, the ideal location for a drawing room is in the northeast, north, or east directions. These orientations are believed to attract positive energies and abundance. If your drawing room is already located in a different direction, don’t worry; there are ways to optimize its energy. Make sure the room is well-lit and properly ventilated to allow fresh air and sunlight to circulate freely.

2. Furniture Arrangement:
The arrangement of furniture in your drawing room plays a crucial role in maintaining a balanced energy flow. Keep heavy furniture, such as sofas and coffee tables, against solid walls and ensure that they do not block the natural pathways within the room. This allows energy to move freely and fosters a sense of openness. Avoid placing furniture directly under a beam, as this can create a sense of pressure and discomfort.

3. Colors and Decor:
The colors we surround ourselves with exert a deep influence on our emotions and overall well-being. According to Vastu, soothing and warm colors like light shades of beige, cream, and pastels are ideal for drawing rooms. These colors create a calm and inviting atmosphere. Incorporate elements of nature, such as indoor plants or natural artworks, to connect with the Earth’s energy. Avoid using dark or overly vibrant colors, as they can create a sense of restlessness.

4. Electronic Appliances:
Modern living rooms are often equipped with electronic devices such as televisions, sound systems, and computers. It’s important to place these devices in a way that they don’t dominate the room’s energy. Ideally, electronics should be placed in the southeast direction. When not in use, consider covering them with a cloth to minimize their influence on the room’s energy.

5. Mirrors and Reflective Surfaces:
Mirrors can enhance the sense of space and light within a drawing room. According to Vastu, placing a mirror on the northern or eastern wall can attract positive energy and amplify natural light. However, avoid placing mirrors opposite the main entrance, as this may reflect and push away positive energy entering the room.

6. Artwork and Decorative Items:
Artwork and decorative elements contribute to the aesthetic appeal of a drawing room. Choose artwork that evokes positive emotions and reflects your personal taste. It’s advisable to avoid artwork depicting negative or aggressive themes. Keep decor items organized and clutter-free to promote a sense of tranquility.

7. Lighting:
Proper lighting is essential for creating a harmonious atmosphere. Natural light is the best source of illumination, so ensure that your drawing room has ample windows. Use soft and diffused lighting fixtures to create a warm and inviting ambiance during the evening. Avoid harsh and overly bright lighting, as it can create an uncomfortable environment.

8. Centerpiece and Focus:
Every drawing room should have a focal point or centerpiece that draws attention. This could be a beautiful piece of furniture, an elegant chandelier, or a captivating piece of art. Placing the centerpiece in the center of the room or along the north or east wall enhances the room’s positive energy.

9. Entrance and Doorway:
The entrance to your drawing room should be well-lit and clutter-free. Avoid placing any obstacles near the entrance, as this can block the flow of energy. A well-designed entrance invites positive energy and sets the tone for the entire space.

10. Cleanliness and Maintenance:
Maintaining a clean and clutter-free drawing room is essential for a positive energy flow. Regular cleaning and decluttering not only enhance the visual appeal of the room but also promote a sense of harmony and well-being.

Incorporating Vastu principles into your drawing room’s design and arrangement can have a significant impact on the overall energy and ambiance of your home. While these guidelines offer a general framework, it’s important to adapt them to your specific space and personal preferences. By creating a harmonious and balanced drawing room, you can foster positivity, relaxation, and a sense of well-being for yourself and your loved ones.

Read about vastu in Wikipedia


  • Vastu for living room is essential to ensure a harmonious and inviting atmosphere in the heart of your home.
  • When arranging furniture according to Vastu for living room, consider placing the sofa in the south or west direction to promote stability and comfort.
  • Incorporating elements of nature, such as indoor plants or a small water feature, aligns with Vastu for living room and enhances its positive energy.
  • Lighting plays a crucial role in Vastu for living room; ensure it’s well-lit to encourage positive interactions and a lively atmosphere.
  • The color palette you choose for your living room can have a profound impact on its energy; Vastu for living room suggests soothing, earthy tones for a balanced ambiance.
  • Displaying artwork or decor that resonates with you personally and aligns with Vastu for living room can promote a sense of well-being.
  • Clutter in the living room disrupts energy flow; follow Vastu for living room guidelines by keeping the space clean and organized.
  • Mirrors should be placed carefully in accordance with Vastu for living room to avoid reflecting negative energies.
  • Arranging seating in a circular or oval shape can foster unity and open communication, a principle rooted in Vastu for living room.
  • Implementing Vastu for living room not only enhances the aesthetics but also creates a space where positive energies flow freely, promoting relaxation and social harmony.

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