Vastu for water tank

Vastu for Water tank

                                                                               Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash

Flowing Harmony: A Comprehensive Guide to Vastu for Water Tanks

In the pursuit of a harmonious and prosperous home, the ancient science of Vastu Shastra offers invaluable insights into every aspect of your living space, even the placement and design of your water tank. While we may often overlook the significance of water tanks in our homes, Vastu teaches us that they play a crucial role in maintaining the balance and positive energy within our living environment. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the fascinating world of Vastu for water tanks. You’ll discover how the strategic positioning and mindful design of your water tank can have a profound impact on your well-being and prosperity.

Understanding Vastu Shastra: A Brief Overview

Before we delve into the specifics of Vastu for water tanks, it’s essential to understand the core principles of Vastu Shastra. This ancient Indian science of architecture and design focuses on creating living spaces that facilitate the harmonious flow of energy, known as “prana.” The ultimate goal of Vastu is to bring peace, prosperity, and well-being to the occupants of a space.

The foundation of Vastu Shastra lies in the fundamental concept of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space, deeply intertwined.. Each element corresponds to specific directions, and the balance of these elements within a space is believed to influence the energy within it. By adhering to Vastu principles, you can optimize the flow of these energies to your advantage.

The Significance on vastu for water Tank

Water is a symbol of prosperity and life, and in Vastu, it holds a special place. Water tanks, which store this vital element, are considered to be containers of positive energy. Here’s how Vastu principles can be applied to water tanks:

1. Water Tank Placement

The placement of your water tank is of utmost importance in Vastu. Here are some guidelines to consider:

  • North or Northeast: Placing a water tank in the north or northeast direction is generally considered highly auspicious. These directions are associated with positive energy, and a tank here can enhance the flow of prosperity and abundance in your home.

  • East: If placing the tank in the north or northeast is not feasible, the east direction is also suitable, according to Vastu principles.

  • Avoid South and Southwest: Placing a water tank in the south or southwest direction is typically discouraged in Vastu. These directions are believed to be associated with negative energies, and a tank here may disrupt the harmonious energy of your home.

2. Shape and Design of the Tank

While the shape and design of your water tank may be influenced by practical considerations, it’s essential to ensure that it is well-maintained and clean. A well-kept tank promotes the flow of positive energy and adds to the overall Vastu compliance of your space.

3. Proximity to Other Elements

In Vastu, it’s important to consider the proximity of your water tank to other elements like fire (kitchen), earth (landscaping), and air (ventilation). Proper spacing and alignment ensure that the elements work together harmoniously.

4. Regular Cleaning and Maintenance

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your water tank are not only matters of hygiene but also Vastu compliance. A well-maintained tank preserves the purity of the water and promotes a positive living environment.

5. Concealing the Tank

If the tank is visible from within your home, consider concealing it with a screen or plants. This helps maintain the aesthetics of your living space and promotes positive energy flow.

6. Consult a Vastu Expert

For personalized guidance on water tank placement and design based on your specific living space, consulting a Vastu expert is advisable.

Conclusion(Vastu for Water Tank)

Vastu for water tanks highlights the profound influence of water on our well-being and prosperity. By aligning your water tank with Vastu principles, you can create an environment that resonates with abundance, balance, and positivity.

Remember that Vastu is a holistic approach to living, and while these guidelines are valuable, individual variations may exist based on personal beliefs and cultural practices. The ultimate goal is to transform your water tank into a vessel of positivity, symbolizing the flow of abundance and well-being in your life.

So, embrace the wisdom of Vastu for water tanks, and watch as your living space becomes a source of flowing harmony and prosperity. With every drop of water, you’ll be nurturing the positive energy that Vastu can bring into your life.


  1. Vastu for water tank is a vital aspect of harmonizing the energy in your home.

  2. In Vastu Shastra, the placement of a water tank is associated with the flow of prosperity.

  3. A water tank positioned in the north or northeast direction is believed to attract positive energy, according to Vastu principles.

  4. Placing your water tank in the south or southwest direction is generally discouraged in Vastu for homes due to its potential negative impact.

  5. The shape and design of the water tank should be considered in alignment with Vastu guidelines.

  6. A clean and well-maintained water tank is not only hygienic but also contributes to the overall Vastu compliance of your space.

  7. Proper spacing and alignment of the water tank concerning other elements in your home are essential Vastu considerations.

  8. Regular cleaning and maintenance of the water tank are encouraged in Vastu to maintain the purity of the water and positive energy flow.

  9. Concealing the water tank with screens or plants is a Vastu practice to maintain the aesthetics of your living space.

  10. In Vastu for water tanks, it’s crucial to consider the proximity of the tank to elements like fire, earth, and air.

  11. If visibility of the water tank from within your home is a concern, Vastu suggests ways to conceal it while maintaining functionality.

  12. Water tanks are seen as containers of positive energy in Vastu Shastra.

  13. Placing a water tank in the north or northeast direction is believed to enhance the flow of abundance and prosperity.

  14. The shape and design of the water tank should complement your home’s aesthetics while adhering to Vastu guidelines.

  15. Vastu encourages regular cleaning and upkeep of the water tank to preserve the purity of the water and energy within.

  16. Proper spacing and alignment of the water tank ensure that it works harmoniously with other elements in your home, according to Vastu principles.

  17. Concealing the water tank from view can help maintain the overall aesthetics and positive energy flow in your living space, a practice in Vastu for homes.

  18. If you have specific concerns or constraints regarding your water tank, consulting a Vastu expert can provide personalized guidance.

  19. Vastu for water tanks emphasizes the profound influence of water on well-being and prosperity.

  20. By aligning your water tank with Vastu principles, you can create a home environment that resonates with abundance, balance, and positivity.

    Read about vastu Wikipedia

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